When Culture Sidelines Strategy: Engaging with Your Health Authority for Better Outcomes

Belinda Boyd, International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) CanadaBallroom C

Change requires partnership. Partnership requires engagement and understanding the needs and culture of your partner. Family doctors and health authorities work together in many ways, including clinical practice and advocacy work. This session will discuss the culture of health authorities, and how engagement principles can positively impact your work and outcomes.

Belinda is Leader, Community Engagement, at Vancouver (BC) Coastal Health, specializing in Patient Public Engagement (PPE), ensuring a voice for people most affected by changes or decisions. VCH has received numerous Core Values Awards on Belinda's watch: Organization of the Year (2006), Creativity and Innovation, and Project of the Year (2014), and P2 for the Greater Good (2016).
Mon 4:53 am - 12:00 am
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