Register now for our spring Family Medicine Conference (FMC) set for June 3 and 4 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver. Early bird rates apply until May 3. For the first time, we also have a discounted rate for members in their first five years of practice.
Highlights of the more than 20 plenary and breakout sessions include:
- Providing care for a patient who is transgender – overview of the legal considerations, environment and aspects of care
- Managing chronic pain in the post-opioid era
- Evidence-informed patient conversations about cannabis
- COPD diagnosis and management: overview and proper use of new inhalers
- How to help when your patient wants to stop using alcohol and other substances
- Diagnosing dementia in a busy office setting
- Menopausal management – where are we with hormones?
- Foot and ankle exam
To find out more and register click here.