When the nominations come in each spring, we are inspired to read about some of the exceptional family physicians, residents and medical students whose names are put forward for awards and scholarships. Please join is in congratulating the recipients for 2015.
Congratulations to our BCCFP award recipients for 2015: My Family Doctor Award (and CFPC British Columbia Family Physician of the Year) Dr. Anthon Meyer, Fort St. James; Community Family Physician of the Year, Dr. Gordon Stahl, Vancouver; Teacher of the Year, Dr. Marla Gordon, Vancouver; Exceptional Contribution in Family Medicine, Dr. Kevin Shi, Vancouver; Dr. Manoo and Jean Gurjar Resident Scholarship Award, Dr. Adam Jones-Delacorde; Resident Leadership Award, Dr. Stuart Gray; Medical Student Scholarship winners Elisa Assadi and Rosie Hsu.
You can read more about the recipients on our website.