If you are thinking of signing up for our Fall Family Medicine Conference, now is the time to act. This popular education opportunity – set for October 24 and 25 – usually fills up during the month of September. Thanks to the members who responded to our Educational Needs Assessment, we’ve filled the schedule with content tailored to meet your needs.

This fall’s conference, at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver, cover everything from dermatology and cardiology to mental health and pediatrics.

We know that many of you prefer to access education through conferences, but you also told us that your appreciate online education. This year, we will be videotaping each session so that we can add to the online education library on our new website. This is a benefit only available to BCCFP members.

The conference content is designed to appeal to everyone, from residents to highly experienced family physicians, and thee program covers the needs of both urban and rural family physicians.

You will also take away information that will help you with patients at every stage of life. Two of the post popular topics for this year are The Right to Die: The Murky World of Physician Assisted Death in the Older Adult and Pediatric Pearls That Will Change Your Practice.

The 22 topics are all new, but we have invited back some of the popular speakers from previous conferences, including James McCormack, Mandy Wong. Kevin McLeod, Keyvan Hadad and Shehla Ebrahim.

For members, the registration cost for both days is only $345. There are also reduced rates for residents and medical students. You can find out full details about the conference and accommodation, as well as register online, here.

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