REAL Groups provide unique small group learning opportunity
Resiliency Education and Learning (REAL) Groups provide a unique small group learning experience that enables you to target timely and relevant topics with like-minded family physicians. It’s free with your membership, fully-supported by BCCFP, and eligible for Mainpro+ credits.
REAL Groups meet the needs of real family physicians by addressing real practice issues in order to affect the care of real patients. If you are not already part of a group, we can match you with like-minded family physicians in your community. Each group meets on an ongoing basis to discuss topics chosen by group participants.
How REAL Groups work
- REAL Groups provide a physician-focused learning environment that is intentional, supportive, and autonomous, addressing real practice issues to affect the care of real patients.
- You will have the opportunity to meet regularly with your group to reflect on your practice and discuss ways to support positive change.
- Groups are member driven – you will be responsible for identifying topics relevant to your practice to bring forward for discussion.
- During REAL Group sessions, members build on their previous experience and knowledge and personalize their learning. Group members are challenged to identify quality gaps in their own practice and identify ways to implement positive change.
- As a group, members will work together to: assess their learning needs based on what is happening in their practice; search for and appraise the value of evidence and resources; and apply evidence and resources to practice-related questions. Through participation in REAL Groups, members will build supportive relationships that will build and promote resiliency.
- The BCCFP provides supporting resources, such as discussion guides, to help focus your sessions. Check out the REAL Group Resources in the BCCFP Learning Vault.
How to get started
- You can form your own groups or we can match you with a group in your community, a virtual group, or a special interest group. The virtual and special interest groups can connect members across the province. (The most successful groups are self-formed.)
- If you have colleagues with whom you would like to form a group, provide their names and emails in the online registration form, and we will get you set up.
- As a group, you will choose a facilitator who will be responsible for coordinating meetings and keeping the group on track. We provide training and supports in the Learning Vault and can help schedule meetings.
More information and resources
- For more information about the REAL Group learning process and how groups are facilitated, check out this 10-minute video.
- If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]