Patient’s Medical Home implementation in BC
The BCCFP believes the Patient’s Medical Home (PMH) is the future of family medicine in British Columbia.
Introduced by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), the Patient’s Medical Home model describes how family physicians can work in teams with other health care professionals to provide accessible, high-quality care for their patients. PMH-aligned practices have shown to improve quality of care and satisfaction while having potential to save costs across the health care system.
In 2018, BC’s provincial government began implementing a primary health care strategy with team-based care as the overarching principle, and Primary Care Networks (PCNs), knitting together services and organizations to better coordinate care for patients.
While some progress has been made through this strategy, there is still a great deal of work to be done in BC to realize the physician-led, team-based, continuous and comprehensive vision for primary care outlined by the Patient’s Medical Home.
The BCCFP continues to advocate for the appropriate infrastructure and support necessary to adopt the PMH model as part of British Columbia’s primary care strategy.
The PMH model is built on a solid foundation of empirical evidence. Read more about the research supporting the model’s effectiveness.
You can find more detail, including information for patients, policy makers and health care professionals on the CFPC Patient’s Medical Home site