Presented by the Vancouver Division of Family Practice…
Dr. Danielle Martin is a practicing family doctor, a hospital administrator, and a national media commentator on the health issues that hit closest to home for many Canadian families. A passionate believer in the value of fairness that underpins the Canadian health care system, she is on a mission to improve Medicare in ways that will benefit all of us.
Join the Vancouver Division of Family Practice on the evening of Monday, January 23rd to hear about the three relationships for health that underpin high-performing health care systems around the world, and other big ideas to make health care in Canada better, now. Dr. Martin also has an upcoming book that expands on these ideas, Better Now, to be released by Penguin Random House in January 2017 – just days before her visit to Vancouver. This compelling event will take place on January 23rd at the SFU Segal Building at 7:30pm.
When: Mon January 23, 2017 | 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Where: SFU Segal Building (500 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC)
Cost/Accreditation: Free and open to non-Vancouver DoFP Members!
Light snacks will be provided
Contact: Veera Grewal; [email protected]