***** We regret to inform you that the Speaker Series Event on Social Determinants of Health scheduled for Thursday Oct 13, 2016 has been cancelled due to low registration. This event will be postponed to a later date to be determined. If you’re interested in attending this event at a later date, please contact Veera Grewal at [email protected]. *****

Who:   The Vancouver Division of Family Practice  (VDoFP ) is organizing an evening with speakers Dr Vanessa Brcic, Dr David Tu, and Elder Bruce Robinson.

What: The term “Social Determinants of Health” is used in many places in many ways. Our first Speaker Series event this fiscal year will help break through all the buzz. We’ve brought together three prominent and diverse speakers to help family physicians concretely understand what it really means to consider and act on the socio-economic condition of their patients – whether within their practice or within broader changes to the healthcare system to move towards a more comprehensive Primary Care Home. For more information about this event and speakers, please click the registration link below.

When: Thurs October 13 2016 | 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Where: The Museum of Vancouver – Joyce Walley room – 1100 Chestnut St Vancouver

Cost/Accreditation: Free & Open to non-VDoFP Members! Light snacks will be provided

Contact: Veera Grewal [email protected] for more information

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