Special Endocrine Testing –  a NEW BC GUIDELINE developed to provide recommendations to primary care practitioners for the appropriate use of selected endocrine hormone tests in patients aged ≥ 19 years,as well as, to help constrain inappropriate test utilization, particularly as it pertains to practices that are marketed as providing wellness and anti-aging services.

BC Guidelines is pleased to introduce a new External Review of Guidelines page to our website. This new page allows peer reviewers to download draft guidelines and submit questionnaire feedback directly from our website. We are also happy to provide a new online questionnaire that can be submitted through your web browser. Participating as an external reviewer has never been easier!

The revised draft guideline  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is currently open for external review until November 30th, 2016. BC physicians and relevant health practitioners and stakeholders are invited to act as peer reviewers.

For more information on BC Guidelines check out the website at: www.bcguidelines.ca

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