We are pleased to inform you that the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) has opened a new, time-limited application process for physicians with added competence in four previously approved domains of care—Care of the Elderly, Family Practice Anesthesia, Palliative Care, and Sport and Exercise Medicine—through an added competence verification (ACV) route.
The final day to submit applications is January 31, 2019.
The ACV route is intended for physicians who are practising at the enhanced skills level in their domain of care. It is an opportunity to recognize practising physicians who are deserving of a Certificate of Added Competence (CAC) but did not apply or were not eligible in 2015 through the leader route (e.g., excellent providers of care without leadership experience), including members of the College who are practising outside Canada.
- Applicants: Family physicians who qualify for CACs in these domains must apply for consideration using the approved online application forms. They will be asked to provide documented evidence to support their applications. A detailed list of the types of evidence that are most pertinent is available at www.cfpc.ca/cac.
- Reviewers: Applications for each domain of care will be reviewed by a panel composed of CFPC members who have direct experience in the respective domain of care, a member from another CAC domain of care, and a member from a broad practice background. The panel will be supported by a senior staff member from the College’s CAC Department. The panel will review the presented evidence for each candidate, weigh and consider it appropriately, and arrive at a recommendation regarding whether to award a CAC. Each recommendation will be forwarded to the CFPC’s Board of Examiners for a final review and decision, and the outcome will be communicated to the applicant.
Additional information is available at www.cfpc.ca/cac.
Please note that the CFPC is also accepting applications for CACs in Addiction Medicine, with a deadline of September 30, 2018.
If you have any questions or require further information, please write to [email protected].
Nancy Fowler, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Executive Director
Academic Family Medicine
Roy Wyman, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Director, Certificates of Added Competence
Academic Family Medicine