Who: UBC Department of Family Practice Undergraduate Program

What: Preceptor for year 1-4 medical students. We have about 30 year 1&2 students currently without a family practice placement. Remember the excitement of when you first got to see patients independently? Help us provide that experience for our learners and get them excited about choosing family medicine! No teaching experience required!

When: Year 1&2: One afternoon per week (T-F and Thurs AM); Year 3: 4 week blocks throughout the year; Year 4: 2-4 week blocks

Where: Your office, hospital or focused family practice setting; Year 1&2: urban/suburban; Year 3: mostly rural; Year 4: rural/urban/suburban

Accreditation/Remuneration: Physicians will be remunerated per session. In addition, 1 Mainpro M2 credit can be claimed for each hour of teaching. Mainpro M1 credits for attending UBC’s free faculty development sessions (notice of these events will be sent to preceptors who agree to teach medical students). An additional 2 Mainpro C credits & 2 Mainpro M1 credits can be claimed for each CFPC’s Linking Learning to Practice form completed related to teaching or faculty development activities

Contact: Marika Dauberman[email protected], or phone 604 875-4111 ext 22142 

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