This message is being sent on behalf of Dr. Paul Winwood, Chair of MD Undergraduate Regional Executive, UBC, and Dr. Heidi Oetter, Registrar, College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC.
Each year, over 1,500 visiting undergraduate medical students complete electives or observerships in British Columbia. With increasing demands for placements and to uphold the safety of all stakeholders, the UBC MD Undergraduate Program and the College of Physician and Surgeons of BC have teamed up to ensure clear and consistent expectations for visiting medical students.
The Visiting Student Elective Program (VSEP) at UBC facilitates year 4 electives for eligible students from Canadian and international schools. These students are vetted through the undergraduate dean’s office and then receive temporary educational licensure through the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC.
Medical students who are not eligible to do a UBC elective, do not meet UBC’s application guidelines, or have been unable to arrange an elective through the UBC Visiting Student Electives Program, must obtain approval from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC for independently arranged electives not offered by UBC. (For more information on UBC’s eligibility please see:
For faculty who agree to supervise students independent of UBC’s elective program, it is important that they familiarize themselves with the risks, process, and guidelines for doing so. Please review the Important Information for Supervising Physicians on the College website.
Please direct inquires and feedback to [email protected] or [email protected].
Dr. Paul Winwood Regional Associate Dean Northern BC, UBC Chair, MD Undergraduate Regional Executive Vice Provost Medicine, UNBC University of Northern BC
Dr. Heidi Oetter Registrar, College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC