A message from BCCFP President Dr. Jeanette Boyd:

Today, BC Family Doctor Day, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the invaluable role you play in maintaining the health and wellbeing of all British Columbians.

I am endlessly inspired by the commitment, creativity, innovation and compassion shown by my colleagues in family medicine. So many of you perform acts of heroism every single day, be it helping a patient to open up about their mental health, leading a community initiative to improve health equity, or the day-to-day work you do to care for your patients that may seem small on its own but leads to a better life for your patients, your colleagues and your community.

I am not surprised by the resilience, dedication, ingenuity and capacity for care that family physicians have shown in recent months. Many of you have quickly adapted your practices to safely meet patients where they are through telehealth appointments. Many of you have made significant changes to your in-office procedures, working tirelessly and committing hours each day to maximizing the safety of your clinic for patients and colleagues. You have taken on new technologies, tackled the challenges presented by the need for PPE, and quickly absorbed huge volumes of information about a new virus.

More importantly, you have continued to provide high-quality, patient and family-centred care despite these challenges. You have utilized the privilege given to you by the doctor-patient relationship and commitment to continuity of care to reach out to your vulnerable patients. You have sacrificed time with your loved ones, who also deserve our deep thanks and admiration for their support and understanding. You have done all of this because of how much you care for others.

As we continue to adapt to new challenges, today is an opportunity to reflect on the incredible amount of positive change we can accomplish when we all work together with passion and intention. This year, I also want to thank our allied health care colleagues across the province on behalf of our membership for their incredible hard work and personal sacrifice. BC Family Doctor Day belongs to everyone who supports and contributes to the value of family medicine in our province.

Today, take a moment to reflect on the fact that what you do matters. More importantly, YOU matter. Please extend to yourself the same time, understanding, care and compassion you generously give every day to the people you serve. Please do stay well and take care of yourself.

Thank you and happy Family Doctor Day!

Dr. Jeanette Boyd, BSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP

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