…provided by the RACE program

Are you a VCH Family Physician that has had a question you thought might be appropriate for the RACE line, but thought that it might not be urgent enough? Have you ever wanted to have a lab test or other document interpreted by a specialist, but didn’t know how to make that happen? If so, there’s a new service here to meet your needs!

eCASE is the new non-urgent complement to the RACE line. Through the dr2dr Secure Messaging platform, you can send an email message to a specialist for an answer back within one week. You can attach patient documents out of your EMR to aid the specialist in providing you a recommendation. Early results have shown that eCASE is valued by primary care providers, and that it helps in streamlining the patient journey.

If you’d like to sign up or have any questions, email Nico Miraftab at [email protected] or see our website at http://www.raceconnect.ca/ecase/

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