The CPSBC published a revised professional standard for medical assistance in dying on June 24. The below message from Registrar and CEO Dr. Heidi Oetter contains links to the CPSBC standard and the related question and answer document. We’ve also posted links to these documents on our own Medical Assistance in Dying page. In addition, this page contains links related to the legislation, as well as the professional standards documents for BC’s nurses and pharmacists.
Note to registrants from CPSBC Registrar and CEO Dr. Heidi M. Oetter:
The College Board has approved a revised professional standard on medical assistance in dying (MAiD), which aligns with the criteria for eligibility for MAiD based on the amended Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c.C-46. The standard also reflects the statutory safeguards and processes. The new standard was developed with input from the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA), and representatives from the Ministry of Health, health authorities, and the Colleges of Registered Nurses and Pharmacists of BC.
Registrants who intend to participate in MAiD, either as a medical assessor or the prescriber of the lethal substances, are required to adhere to the process outlined in the standard. Registrants are also encouraged to seek guidance of legal counsel, or medical-legal advice from the CMPA.
While nurse practitioners are authorized under the amended Criminal Code to provide MAiD, the province of British Columbia does not have enabling regulations in place to allow them to provide this restricted activity. As such, only physicians are legally authorized to perform MAiD in this province at this time. Once regulations are enacted for nurse practitioners, the College standard may need to be revised again. Regulations are also being drafted to establish a provincial oversight body. Once established, this will also be reflected in the standard.
The new standard on MAiD can be found here.
Supporting questions and answers can be found here.
Heidi M. Oetter
Registrar and CEO
College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC