The Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine is accepting applications for the following continuing professional development (CPD) grants until March 16.
The Daniel Glazier CPD Grant in Adolescent Mental Health and Substance Abuse (up to $5,000) supports CPD or the creation of clinical programs or tools to help family physicians in assessing and treating mental health and substance abuse among adolescents and young adults up to the age of 25.
The Hollister King Rural Family Practice CPD Grant ($5,000) supports academic and community-based family physician CFPC members who are actively practising in a rural setting and wish to carry out CPD activities related to meeting the changing needs of their patients and communities within Canada.
Janus Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Grants ($5,000) support academic and community-based family physician members of the CFPC who are in active practice and wish to carry out CPD activities related to meeting the changing needs of their patients and communities within Canada.
The Family Medicine Global Health Project Grant ($5,000) supports CFPC members in engaging in global health care projects either in Canada or abroad and in promoting family medicine abroad.
Read more and apply for the grants at: