The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) has partnered with the Canadian Pharmacists Association to produce the latest issue in its Innovation in Primary Care series:  The Integration of Pharmacists into Interprofessional Teams.

This issue highlights how family physicians and pharmacists can work together and share resources to address challenges.

The case studies from across Canada, including two from BC, address issues such as fragmented care; access to timely and reliable drug information and management; safe prescribing; coordination of community services; and more to provide high-quality patient care and improve patient satisfaction.

The CFPC and its Advisory Committee on Family Practice developed the Innovation in Primary Care series to give individuals and teams opportunities to showcase innovations in care that they have introduced in their local jurisdictions of practice and to open the possibility of scaling up these ideas.

The series supports collaboration and learning among Chapters and among family physicians across the country by sharing local approaches to health care that are working well. If you have an innovative model or practice that you would like to submit, or if you would like to provide feedback on the series, please send an email to: [email protected].

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