Family doctors specialize in providing lifelong care for BC patients and families. Join us in recognizing and celebrating the important work of more than 6,000 family doctors who practise in communities across the province on May 19, BC Family Doctor Day.

Often the patient’s first point of contact with the health care system, family doctors are experts in diagnosing and treating the whole person. You can find them the hospital, other health care facilities or the patient’s home as well as the traditional community-based doctor’s office or clinic.

Dr. Jeanette Boyd, president of the BC College of Family Physicians (BCCFP), explains that research shows that having your own family doctor is good for your health.  It is the doctor-patient relationship that makes the difference.

“We know that when communities have sufficient numbers of family doctors, they have lower rates of hospitalizations and emergency room visits, higher cancer detection rates and improved management of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease,” she says.

 “When you are able to develop a trusting relationship with your family doctor, you are able to work together as a team to meet your health care needs in a way that is tailored to you and your family.”

Boyd notes that the BCCFP sees evidence of the value of the patient-doctor relationship every year through the hundreds of submissions from patients for the annual My Family Doctor Awards.

“It is inspiring to read these heartfelt letters of gratitude.  Families really appreciate the difference that their family doctors have made to their lives.  It’s more than medical knowledge and clinical skill.  What patients appreciate are that their family doctors listen to them, they take the time to understand them. Family doctors provide patient- and family-centred care that goes far beyond treating immediate health concerns, they meet patients where they are and work with patients to achieve the best quality of life.”

Each year, the BCCFP’s annual awards include five patient-nominated My Family Doctor awards, honouring recipients from each of BC’s health regions, as well as peer-nominated awards for family doctors and family medicine residents.

Learn more about all of our 2019 award recipients. Find out how you can participate in BC Family Doctor Day.

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