We encourage all BCCFP members to vote in our 2019 Board election before Wednesday, October 23 at 9:00 am.

As part of our commitment to responsive governance, in 2018 the BCCFP Board approved a two-year pilot that provided the opportunity for the Nominating Committee to recommend a collective of candidates that together most closely fulfill the organization’s needs. This approach is in line with best practices used by other non-profits, including Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC), Coast Capital Savings and Vancity.

In our call for nominations, we indicated that we were looking for Board members who reflect the scope and diversity of family practice in BC, candidates with one or more of the following skills or experience: board and governance, financial literacy, advocacy, government relations and/ or policy development.

On your behalf, the Nominating Committee completed an assessment of all interested candidates. We had many excellent nominees and spent many hours reviewing each nominee’s information, conducting interviews and discussing the skills and experience of each candidate while focusing on the collective. In accordance with the directions of the BCCFP Board of Directors, eight candidates have been recommended for the eight vacancies. Collectively, the recommended candidates meet the needs of the BCCFP.

Information about all of the candidates can be found on our website as well as on the electronic ballots that have been sent out to all members who are eligible to vote.

The results of the election will be announced on November 1 at our Annual General Meeting.


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