BC Guidelines External Review Invitations:

Thyroid Function Tests in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Thyroid Function Disorder – now open for external review until March 26th, 2018

You are invited to review the draft BC Guideline: Thyroid Function Tests in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Thyroid Function Disorder. This is a revision of the 2010 version of the guideline. Major revisions to the guideline include the expansion of the scope to include pediatric and pregnant patients, modifications to the pregnancy section and the addition of a laboratory algorithm. It applies to the detection of thyroid dysfunction in patients (pediatric and adult), including pregnant women or women planning pregnancy, and the monitoring of patients treated for thyroid function disorders. The purpose of this guideline is to provide recommendations for thyroid function testing in the primary health care setting.

Ultrasound Prioritization – now open for external review until February 12th, 2018

You are invited to review the draft BC Guideline: Ultrasound Prioritization. This guideline summarizes suggested wait times for common indications where ultrasound is the recommended first imaging test. The purpose is to inform primary care practitioners of how referrals are prioritized by radiologists, radiology departments and community imaging clinics across the province. This guideline is an adaptation of the British Columbia Radiological Society (BCRS) Ultrasound Prioritization Guidelines (2016).


Peer review is a critical component of the guideline development process. BC health care professionals and relevant stakeholders are invited to participate as external reviewers for the draft version of these guidelines.

Please visit the BC Guidelines External Review page to download the draft guidelines and submit your feedback via our new online questionnaires. For more information, visit www.bcguidelines.ca.

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