Family Medicine Forum 2024: Request for keynote proposals
Do you have a great idea for an inspiring, relevant, topical, and affordable keynote presenters for FMF 2024 – November 6-9, 2024, in Vancouver, BC? Submit your ideas by January 24!
Keynote Criteria:
- Incredible and relevant presenters that will engage a large, national audience
- Energetic and inspiring while being topical and important to family physicians in Canada
- Please keep in mind diversity, hot topics, up and coming areas with mass appeal
- Think local and within reasonable budgetary considerations
- Eligible for Mainpro+ certification, must have solid learning objectives
Submission Process:
- Submit the presenters name, link to their bio or video clip to [email protected]
- Submit any reason, rationale or other information supporting your recommendation
- If you have a personal connection or direct contact info, please advise
Specific Keynotes – The Dr. Ian McWhinney Keynote
- The address should be delivered by a speaker who:
- Embodies the persona of Ian McWhinney in terms of patient and family medicine centeredness
- Is a thought leader in family medicine reflecting current issues and at the leading edge
- Challenges us, reminds us of the value of family medicine
- Moves the discipline ahead to meet our member and community needs
- Engages our target audience: CFPC members who have multiple family medicine roles
- Inspires, creates an emotional connection, kicks off FMF on a high note
Specific Keynotes – TD Insurance Spotlight on Achievement Award
- Bestowed on an outstanding national or international figure who has contributed significantly to medicine, and/or the health and well-being of Canada and/or the world
- Through their work, the recipient must articulate the unique sphere of influence of family physicians as agents of change and the importance of health care policies in supporting this role
- Recipient must be a dynamic speaker and communicator
Keynote Review Process:
- The FMF Committee will review and assess all suggestions and make the final recommendations
- For reference, please find a list of past keynote presenters and session titles attached
Deadline: Jan 24, 2024
Submit to: [email protected]