• Dr. Katherine Bell – President

    Dr. Katherine Bell – President

    (term ending 2027) Dr. Katherine Bell is a family physician with a full-time locum practice on Vancouver Island and a special interest in palliative care and research.

    She previously practiced on Prince Edward Island, where she was recognized for her advocacy work and served as a former executive member of the PEI provincial CFPC chapter.

    Dr. Bell brings experience in working with provincial governments and health authorities in advocacy and policy development roles. Elected to the BCCFP Board in 2019, Dr. Bell brings the perspective of a full-time locum and she is looking forward continuing her work with the BCCFP to uphold and promote family medicine and its core values.

  • Dr. Jennifer Lush - Vice President

    Dr. Jennifer Lush - Vice President

    (term ending 2026) Dr. Jennifer Lush feels immensely privileged to have worked as a family physician in rural towns and cities across BC, Alberta and Australia, doing locum work, obstetrics, rural emergency room coverage and longitudinal community family practice.  She has been in her current practice in Victoria since 2016.  Jennifer is clinical faculty for the Island Medical Program and UBC Family Medicine residency program and finds teaching rewarding.

    She has been involved in grassroots advocacy work, using mainstream and social media as a platform to highlight the critical importance of family physicians, and the barriers being faced by those seeking to deliver that care, and networked with political representatives and official doctors’ organizations, seeking to unify the voices of public and physicians in seeking improvements to BC’s healthcare system.

    Dr. Lush continues to believe that the unique relationship-based care of community family physicians needs to be championed in this province and across Canada, and looks forward to working with other board members within the BCCFP to achieve that aim.

  • Dr. Johnny Chang - Treasurer

    Dr. Johnny Chang - Treasurer

    (term ending 2027) Dr. Johnny Chang is a full scope family physician in Creston, BC in the Kootenay region and completed his residency training at St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver. Dr. Chang remains as a faculty member of UBC, continuing his work with family medicine residents at the St. Paul’s site.

    Dr Chang is a member of the St. Paul’s Family Medicine Advisory Committee and works in the Recruit, Retain, and Retirement Committee in Creston. The committee helps to bring more family physicians to rural communities and navigate the challenges of providing comprehensive, longitudinal medicine through local, grassroots solutions.

    With experience in both urban training and rural practice, Dr. Chang is passionate about advocating for the sustainability of comprehensive family practice in both rural and urban BC.

  • Dr. Serena Verma - Secretary

    Dr. Serena Verma - Secretary

    (term ending 2027) Dr. Serena Verma has been a family physician in BC for over a decade. She is inspired by the care, advocacy, and adaptability of family physicians across the province. Dr. Verma has worked with the Divisions of Family Practice, UBC/CPD, Doctors of BC and the UBC Family Practice Program.

    These experiences, including those gained from working in both a full-service family practice and an alternatively funded clinic, have enhanced her skill set. Dr. Verma is fascinated by the many innovations in family medicine.

    As a BCCFP Board member, she hopes to advocate and work towards addressing the challenges faced by family physicians.

  • Dr. Vincent Wong – Past President

    Dr. Vincent Wong – Past President

    (term ending 2026) Dr. Vincent Wong is a family physician practicing in the Lower Mainland and is passionate about medical education, health systems, and interprofessional collaboration.

    As BCCFP President, Dr. Wong hopes to support colleagues to recognize and demonstrate the value of family medicine in their work, as well as collaborate with other health care organizations and partners to allow for quality primary care to be delivered by our family physicians to British Columbians.

    He completed his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, Doctor of Medicine, Family Medicine Residency, and Master of Health Administration degrees at UBC, and is working towards a Master of Health Professions Education through Maastricht University.  He regularly precepts residents and medical students at the UBC Health Clinic and is currently serving as both the Assessment Co-Lead (Portfolio Director) for the UBC Family Practice Residency program and the Co-Site Director for the Vancouver-Fraser site of the program.

    Dr. Wong previously served as Secretary and Vice-President for the BCCFP, and has held other leadership positions in the FNW Division of Family Practice and Resident Doctors of BC.

  • Dr. Ana Boskovic

    Dr. Ana Boskovic

    (term ending 2026) Dr. Ana Boskovic is a family physician from Vancouver who graduated from the University of British Columbia (UBC) with a Bachelor of Kinesiology, before completing medical school and residency at UBC.

    Dr. Boskovic recently completed her Family Medicine residency at UBC’s Coastal training site on the North Shore, and served as the Program Lead Resident (formerly Chief Resident) for the 2021-22 academic year. Her early practice includes general practice locums across the province, and primary care obstetrics.

    New to the BCCFP Board in 2022, Dr. Boskovic hopes to bring forward the perspective of those physicians who are new to practice, in addition to how to support learners in medical school and residency training.

  • Dr. Romina Moradi

    Dr. Romina Moradi

    (term ending 2026) Dr. Romina Moradi is a Family Physician in Vancouver. She graduated from Wroclaw Medical University in Poland and completed her Family Medicine residency at the University of British Columbia (UBC), where she served as the IMG Program Lead Resident for the 2021-22 academic year.

    Dr. Moradi provides longitudinal care to mostly immigrants and marginalized populations in East Vancouver.  In 2022 she was awarded the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) Award of Excellence.

    Dr. Moradi additionally has a special interest in skin cancers and diseases – and proudly helps patients across British Columbia for their various skin concerns.

    In her spare time, Dr. Moradi helps support the International Medical Graduates (IMG) at UBC in her role as Faculty Lead for the IMG Orientation. She additionally serves as a clinic instructor for the Department of Family Practice.

    Dr. Moradi is passionate about continued advocacies for the sustainability of Family Medicine – as well as honouring the various scopes of important work that Family Physicians do.

  • Dr. James (Dan) Cutfeet

    Dr. James (Dan) Cutfeet

    (term ending 2027) Bio Coming Soon

  • Dr. Amyna Fidai

    Dr. Amyna Fidai

    (term ending 2027) Dr. Amyna Fidai is a Family Physician with a strong commitment to advocacy and improving healthcare for vulnerable populations. After completing a Bachelor’s in Health Sciences and medical school at the University of Calgary, Dr. Fidai moved to Vancouver in 2018 to complete a Family Medicine residency at the University of British Columbia’s Surrey-South Fraser program, where she also served as Chief Resident.

    Dr. Fidai’s current practice spans primary care for immigrants and refugees, urgent care, youth clinic, as well as hospitalist work. Her professional interests include quality improvement, healthcare advocacy, and supporting vulnerable communities. As the BC representative on the First Five Years in Family Practice (FFYP) Committee for the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), Dr. Fidai is working to improve the transition to practice for early-career family physicians, both locally and nationally.

    As a BCCFP board member and a family physician early on in her career, Dr. Fidai brings a unique perspective to the table and is eager to work with the team to address challenges faced by family physicians and to promote well-being for both physicians and patients.


  • Dr. Ryan Herriot

    Dr. Ryan Herriot

    (term ending 2027) Dr. Ryan Herriot is originally from Victoria and studied medicine at the University of Western Ontario at its satellite campus in Windsor, ON.

    He completed family medicine residency at St Paul’s Hospital (SPH) and has been working in BC since 2015. In addition to full scope primary care at a community health centre, Dr. Herriot provides addictions care at SAFER Victoria.

    He has a certification in Addiction Medicine from the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM). Dr. Herriot also teaches students and residents and is clinical instructor with UBC. He enjoys being an engaged professional who helps shape public discussion and policy making in the field via advocacy, as is a founding member of Doctors for Safer Drug Policy.  He proudly connects with patients in both French and English.”


  • Dr. Nooshin Nikoo

    Dr. Nooshin Nikoo

    (term ending 2027) Bio Coming Soon

  • Dr. Olutoyese (Toye) Oyelese

    Dr. Olutoyese (Toye) Oyelese

    (term ending 2027) Dr. Olutoyese (Toye) Oyelese is a full-time Family Physician in West Kelowna, BC and manages a multi-physician practice that provides longitudinal primary care to the community.

    He was President of BC Family Doctors in 2021 and was a member of the executive board, nomination committee, finance committee, economics committee, staffing committee. He served on the Diversity & Inclusion working group for Doctors of BC in 2021.

    He is a board Member with Black Physicians of BC and a clinical associate professor with the UBC Medical faculty.

    He is a Councilor (Board Member) with Canadian Medical Protective Association (until August 2025) and served on the Investment Committee, Nomination Committee and Culture Committee (EDI), the human resources committee and Governance committee.

    As a longitudinal family physician he advocates for relationship-based, comprehensive, longitudinal family medicine. And as a clinical associate professor with the UBC faculty of medicine he helps to nurture the future of family medicine by providing supports to medical students, residents, and family physicians in their first five years of practice.

  • Dr. H. Thomas Peters

    Dr. H. Thomas Peters

    (term ending 2027) Dr. H. Thomas Peters has been a family physician for over 30 years practising in Vancouver on the West Broadway corridor.  He has extensive associations in the community and has been a colleague, mentor, collaborator, and consultant in various aspects of family practice. He was medical director of a large community based medical clinic for over 20 years. Dr. Peters also maintains extensive contacts within the business community and has experience in leadership, governance, and financial literacy through his working with private companies and home offices.

    Dr. Peters has two daughters and is also enthusiastic about art and sport. His experience in the medical field and outside of medicine has provided him with exposure and background to be able to provide input in many areas related to medicine, governance and financial literacy. Dr. Peters hopes to bring this experience to the BCCFP for the benefit of all physicians.