BCCFP Board Officers 2022/23
The BCCFP welcomes Dr. Justine Spencer as President for the 2022/23 year. Dr. Spencer is joined by Dr. Vincent Wong as Vice President, Dr. Marjorie Docherty as Secretary and Dr. Katherine Bell as Treasurer. Special thanks to outgoing President, Dr. David May who will now serve as Past President.
Dr. Justine Spencer is a practicing, full-service community family physician and has been a part of the BCCFP for over 6 years – first as a Resident representative, then as a First Five Years in Practice representative, and then as an elected Board member. Dr. Spencer is passionate about the work that the BCCFP is doing and has enjoyed watching the BCCFP’s work evolve to best serve our members.
“I’m excited and humbled to serve as President of the BCCFP. As an early career physician, I will use my perspective to continue to move our organization in a progressive direction, while still listening to and valuing the perspectives of physicians from all stages of their careers and from diverse backgrounds. I want to cultivate hope as we all strive to make this profession sustainable.”
BCCFP Board of Directors 2022/23
Our appreciation also goes out to the amazing candidates who took part in the election and to all of the members who voted. We are pleased to welcome Dr. Sarah Tranquilli-Doherty who was newly-elected and Dr. Katherine Bell and Dr. Marjorie Docherty who were re-elected.
We are grateful to Dr. Alicia Pawluk who recently completed her term on the Board. On December 3, Dr. Sean Wachtel stepped down from the BCCFP Board as he is moving out of province. Dr. Dan Horvat also tendered his resignation mid-term as he will be joining Doctors of BC Board in January. We thank them for their service and wish them all the best.
Both the Nominating Committee and the Board reflected on the timing of these vacancies and the processes as laid out in the BCCFP’s Bylaws, and decided to fill the vacancies by appointment. We’re pleased to announce that Dr. Ana Boskovic and Dr. Johnny Chang were appointed to the Board as they had received the next highest number of votes in the recent election. These appointments are effective until the AGM in 2023.
You can learn more about BCCFP’s Board of Directors here.